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Sunday, January 16, 2011


From time to time in our lives we slow down from the everyday grind and ask why? Why
am I here at all? What is the purpose of life in general and how do I fit into the scheme of things in particular? Well, the answer to all the contemplation about life and purpose is found in a state of being before there was life. In deep contemplation we go to a being before there was matter and life. We go to Self.

Self is the Mind before life. It is what WAS, before there appeared to be anything and what WILL BE, after all appearances are done. It is said that "The All is Mind; The Universe is Mental." Well the Self is the Mind in whom, through mental machinations, the Universe appears to exist. I say appears to exist because in fact the Self is the only reality. There is no duality. Self is pure MIND and all appearances are made out of Self through machinations in mental perception(sense) in Self. With that said and understood, the purpose of life has nothing to do with you on the Universal level but everything to do with you on the level of Self. The holografic mental machinations that produce the Universe and appear to give you a life to contemplate are simply to exercise and entertain Self(Mind(All)). Your life(so to speak) has nothing to do with who you think you are in an illusionary Universe but everything to do with your true being(Self), hince the ancient adage from inside the illusion "KNOW THYSELF".

So whats the purpose of life? There is no life and no death, only the illusion of, both in Mind(Self). Enjoy your exercise and entertainment but try not to be too delusional in your observations. So lost that you lose sight of reality(Self).
Know ThySelf.

Sunday, January 9, 2011


The Universe is mental. What does that mean, right? You're sitting right there in the physics of it all, so what the hell is this wacko talking about, right? How could he even type something like that on a physical keyboard?

Well, lets take a look at our universe. First of all, where is our universe? My universe is situated in my consciousness. Your universe is situated in your consciousness and like no two people are exactly the same, no two universes are exactly the same either. Most universes are pretty small and undeveloped. Afterall, the universe for all practical purposes is your idea of whats out there. An idea formed with the help of hollywood, television, a few secondary science classes and some periodicals. Actually, whats out there can be no further than your own mind for nothing can appear to be out there thats not produced in the mind first. Thats the nature of sense perception which is how that thing that "you"(intelligence) call you(body) is created. The body is a mental concoction that lends "you"(intelligence) the ability to experience a life in mental illusion through your own mental machinations. Your life, world and universe is a brilliant symphony of sense frequencies, thoughts and memories, all mixed down into what do I have to do tomorrow. It's beautiful isn't it? It clothes the naked truth that you neither live, nor die, you simply are. You were before the beginning of your mental machinations and you will be after they end. Make a hundred billion. Live, love and die again and again but you remain, the only reality.
The All is Mind; The Universe is Mental.

Gabrielle Giffords Shooter

I want you to check out Jared Lee Loughner's video. Read the words, listen to the music playing. Feel the dream state type confusion going on mixed with politics and life stresses. This is the kind of thing that I was sure to happen when I began to see esoteric information placed on the wide screen in movies like The Thirteenth Floor, Vanilla Sky, The Matrix, Inception. People that have not been properly initiated into the esoteric information dealing with the world they're observing will lose hold and stability of life so to speak. The dream looks like the real and the real dissolves into the dream. Is it happening or not? Now if you mix that kind of mental toss up with the drug Salvia in your bong, really watch out. Just check it out.


Saturday, January 8, 2011


I was going through some video's on consciousness and I ran across this video called "The Holografic Universe." It's actually a five part series on youtube but part one does a really good job of describing how the Universe is created through sense frequencies to appear to be "material"(physical), when in fact it is a mental illusion that you sort of slow dance through mentally.

Take a look at part one and pay careful attention to the way the brain is said to be collecting information through the senses, analysing the information collected from five different sensors(sight, sound, taste, smell, touch) combining that information and then producing a motion picture type illusion that appears to be outside of "you" and all around "you." A world where "you" quote, unquote, are living.

If you paid careful attention you will note that even though they're telling you that this world producing process is taking place inside the head in the brain and that it's really all an illusion, the head and brain part is put into the video to give you some kind of base to balance what they're telling you until the real "you" can handle that even the person that you think you are is a part of the illusion that your mind is producing. The Mind is entirely Mental and has no "physical" component. "The All is Mind; The Universe is Mental." - The Kybalion

The Mind(All) creates illusions out of itself as a means of exercise and entertainment. There are all kinds of things appearing to be going on in different dimensions produced by differing frequencies of Mind. The only reality being The Mind. Thats THE BOTTOM LINE. So enjoy but don't lose sight of the reality behind the illusion that you can taste and touch.